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Dr. Patangrao Kadam Mahavidyalaya, Sangli
• Affiliated to Shivaji University, Kolhapur • Re-Accreditated by NAAC with "A" Grade

Sports and Gymkhana

Sports and Gymkhana Department

  • The Gymkhana Department of our College plans, undertakes, organizes and manages all the sports related activities. It is headed by the Director of Physical Education who is assisted by a committee known as the Gymkhana Committee. The members of the committee are scrutinizing selected so to ensure brilliant performance in the sphere of activities.
  • Mr.Jagdale P.D. .is presently holding the reins of this Department as its Director under whose meticulous planning and execution, the College has accomplished exclusive sporting laurels. The Gymkhana Department promotes sports by encouraging guaranteed participation of our College-students in all the events conducted by the Shivaji University ,Kolhapur .
  • In addition to this, the College organizes Inter Collegiate Fencing & Volleyball events on a regular and continued basis, an activity for which it has always earned appreciation and accolades from the Shivaji University ,Kolhapur .
  • It is due to this involvement that our College Fencing & Volleyball teams have been inspired and motivated to emerge as the best in the Shivaji University ,Kolhapur during the last decade. Our institute is very proud to proclaim that our students have bagged several awards at district, state and national levels thereby escalating the status of the college.
  • In addition to these, the Gymkhana Committee holds the additional responsibility of conducting the Independence Day, Republic Day, Maharashtra Day Celebration and Annual Prize Distribution Function on a magnificent scale.

Gymkhana Profile

  • Department Organizes Zonal/Inter zonal Games Under Shivaji University.
  • Special Coaching For national and state level players.
  • Gymkhana Equipped With Well Maintained Machines.
  • Department Provides Equipment For other Sports Like Rowing, Softball, Cricket, Fencing, Volleyball, Athletics,Kho-Kho etc.

Phy. Education Infrastructure

S.No. Room Type
1 Faculty room with Internet facility
2 Well-equipped Gymkhana

Sports Achievements

Click here for Sports Achievements Report

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