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Dr. Patangrao Kadam Mahavidyalaya, Sangli
• Affiliated to Shivaji University, Kolhapur • Re-Accreditated by NAAC with "A" Grade

Achievements in Sports

Awarded Student List of Gymkhana Department

S.No. Name Event Performance Award Year
1 Miss.Mahadevi Keripale Holley boll Shivchhattrapati Award 1999-2000
2 Miss.Sarita Patil Athletics [High Jump] Shivchhattrapati Award 2002-03

All India Inter-University Players

S.No. Name Event Medal Year
1 Mr.Yuvraj Khatke Cross Country Silver Medal 1986-87
2 Mr.Yuvraj Khatke Cross Country Gold Medal 1988-89
3 Mr.Balasaheb Patil Kusthi Bronze Medal 1986-87
4 Miss.Maya Sindagi Heptheylone Bronze Medal 1990-91
5 Miss.Dipa Mehata Cross Country Gold Medal 1991-92
6 Miss.Manisha Chapane Cross Country Silver Medal 1995-96
7 Mr.Suhas Vhanmane Cross Country Gold Medal 1998-99
8 Mr.Suhas Vhanmane Cross Country Silver Medal 1999-2000
9 Mr.Suhas Vhanmane Cross Country Bronze Medal 2000-01
10 Miss.Sarita Patil Athalatics [High Jump] Gold Medal 2000-01
11 Mr.Lingappa Sargar Cross country Gold Medal 2004-05
12 Miss.Supriya Patil Weight Lifting Silver Medal 2005-06
13 Miss.Manjula Patil Haff Marethon 7th place 2008-09
14 Mr.Sushant Gadade Kho-Kho 4th Place 2008-09
15 Mr.Mohan Davare Cross Country Bronze Medal 2010-11
16 Mr.Rohit Kamble Kho-Kho Gold Medal 2014-15
17 Mr.Shahid Jamadar Cyacling Silver Medal 2015-16

National Players (Junior Department)

S.No. Name Event Medal Year
1 Mr.Shubham Patil Kabbadi Bronze Medal 2013-14
2 Mr.Moreshwar Patil Talwarbaji Silver Medal 2014-15

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